Christmas donation 2022
Donations instead of presents! We join in!
LUBING has been supporting this campaign for 15 years. Our intention this year was to prioritise support for local young people. It was therefore obvious to choose the Barnstorf Youth Centre as the recipient of the donations. We also donated to the Barnstorf food bank and young musicians. Further details can be found in the newspaper article by Jannick Ripking in the Kreiszeitung.
Donors and recipients: (from left) Managing Director Markus von der Assen, youth centre educator Bianca Keller, Deacon Jörg Brand, Tafel manager Ute Strathmann, Technical Team Leader Wolfgang Meyer and Michael Abeln, Technical Managing Director.
Photo: Jannick Ripking

Das LUBING-Team mit Spendenschecks unserer Weihnachtsspende 2022